
Philippine trip Part Two

Today, no picture...
Yesterday, the whole conference goes to the end, funny, besides the oral reporters,
I also got the gift as they have, I don't know why but lucky.
The programme yesterady is quite busy, almost can not take rest but fruitfull
or by Prof. Kato's speaking, that's sporefull.
If ask my feeling, yes, lots thing to learn, lots people will talk and you want to talk with them
discussion, learning, take pictures (oral presentation and people).... and tired

Today, Nov. 15. we went to the Mt. Musuan and some funless place.
The whole day, I just got 10 number specimens, it's sunny, hot weather, and lots of ant in the forest.
Yes, the ants, they will bit you, climb on your leg from the boots, and .... I never be attacked by
these tiny animal in the field before, but .... they let me feel seriouly pain and just want to escape from the woods...
But seems everthing all right now, so I can press my specimens and go down here to the internet. And took two hours in the herbarium and check the specimens, it's good for me. I like the specimens anytime.

days by days, I wish I can finish the work here soon and go back home. I guess yaping, you know the reason.

Tomorrow, we will wake up at 3:00 and leave from the hostel at 3:30am, to the field trip.
And we will back at Nov. 17 ca 7:00pm, to another new hostel so I don't know if it possible to use web.

So, let me stop here and I need rest, tired and headache.
Thanks Yaping put the words everyday, I really enjoy them and missing home so much....
