
The trip in the Philippines

簡單貼一下行程記錄, 也就是個紀錄

May 25 台北-馬尼拉
嗯, 菲律賓航空比宿霧太平洋好太多....以後值得考慮
夜宿菲律賓正常大學旅舍 Philippines Normal University Hostel

May 26 馬尼拉-碧遙(Baguio)-達塔山旅館(Mt. Data Hotel)
早晨五點的車我們三點多就到車站, 大約七個小時後的中午到碧遙
等租車吃飯, 再坐個三四個小時的車到Mt. Data Hotel
這是此行住的最舒服的旅館, 雖然用餐跟住宿不是很貴, 但也不便宜
twin beds 1250 peso per room, meal or breakfast 140-200 per person

May 27 Mt. Data Hotel 附近採集
本來今天晚上要去民宿, 其實是嚮導Dr. Tules的親戚家
但是下午三點多的大雷雨, 要求續住Mt. Data Hotel.

May 28 Mt. Data Hotel to the house somewhere

May 29 the house somewhere to Mt. Data Hotel
up to 2600m (2340m I did) peak, beautiful native forest and high species diversity of ferns and orchid.

The total cost in the house, two meals and one night with 8 people, 500 peso only.

same as the rate of the truck we hired from Mt. Data Hotel to the house.

May 30 Mt. Data Hotel to Bontoc
沿路採集, 到Bontoc 後找網咖...終於看到慢麻寫的blog.
在Bontoc裡吃些有的沒的, 學弟被招待吃鴨仔蛋

May 31 Mt. Polis 採集
原本六點要出發的實在抵不過連續疲勞, 拖到七點多才出門
車載我們到Mt. Polis後放我們下來走路, 續往前接邱老師和其他兩位
安排租車to Tabuk共16K

Jun 1. Bontoc via Banaue to Tabuk

Jun 2. KASC

Jun 3. KASC, Tabuk to Manila
4:30 pm from Tabuk, until 6:30 am (Jun 4) to Manila

Jun 4. 整理標本

Jun 5. Back to Taiwan.
